Find your dream job, right now.
We looking for your talent, start searching now
Looking for your talent. We employs both skilled and entry level candidates.
Restaurant & services
Restaurant & services
safety card and hot work card.

Safe and Healthy Work For the proper management of occupational safety and staff well-being, everyone needs to be familiar with the processes, operating methods and working conditions in the workplace and the various risks and hazards related to them. Anticipating hazards and factors that affect one’s work capacity helps prevent injuries and guarantees a safe working environment and a functioning work community

About our company
Companies need talents. People need jobs. Inter Talent Recruit bring them together
We are employment company that provides work force to Finland and other EU countries. We are part of the leading Finnish recruiting company Lisapalvelu group. Our mission and purpose is to create a long-term partnership and create opportunities in a safe environment for our customers and employees. Our services are safe and reliable, our company mentality is professionalism, honesty, decency. We specialize in different job markets such as construction, industrial, transport, restaurant and service industries. Our main asset is our team of highly skilled and professional employees. We want develop and griwing so give best to our costumers.
Good reasons to work with us.
Our expertise lies in matching our employees to the right company in order to ensure success for all parties involved.
Serious employer
We respect and follow the labor law.
Build up your skills
Enhance you skills in an International work environment.
Various jobs
We offer opportunities in a safe environment for both skilled and unskilled labor.
Competitive benefits
We offer better conditions and higher salary.
Need a specialist?
Ask for a recruitment offer that would perfectly suit your needs!
Contact us

Phone: +371 25333885


Office: Riga, Elizabetes iela 51-12B, LV1010

Inter Talent Recruit SIA

Reg. Nr.: 40103897262

Ķekava, Gaismas iela 19 k-1, LV-2123

License Nr. 82/2022